Friday, August 31, 2007

Here we go again,

Well, here we go. Ok, I have to admit that God had moved me from journaling for the VM to this forum. I know that I may very well be the only one to read this and that is fine because it is God driven. Yes, I must confess I am not sure why God has me doing this but like with everything he has his reasons.

Last night was awesome. I had dinner with a new friend and we seem to have a lot in common. After all, he is the only person I know who kicks left footed and writes right handed. Wow! He (I need to remind myself to pick and chose when to use a name) is a great reminder of how important it is to make sure we encourage people and not judge anyone. Often times I hear people judge others by starting out saying "I am not trying to judge anyone but...." and then launch into several minutes of judging someone. I too have to be aware of that trap.

Well, tonight is round 3 of Christian Yoga. I will be drinking plenty of water and trying to improve beyond last times outing. Aaron is such a good instructor and I am so proud of him.

Ok, I promise myself not to go to long. I was a Valiant Man today and pray that others currently taking the class have been as well.

John 3:3 "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again"