Easily the most difficult time of the year for me is holidays. You see, I still yearn for the past but have been doing better each year. I got several offers from friends to come over but to be honest I didn't think I would be very good company so I just hung around at home. It started out tough but got better as the day went on for sure. The highlight for me was getting a call from my son in Kuwait. Wow, that was great and to be honest made my day. Once I got that call I could really begin to count my blessings. My buddy Derek tried to get me to go with him for dinner at a friends but instead I chose to stay home. That crazy guy is always trying to look out for me. Then Sean took the time out from his family to call me and that too was an awesome blessing. Jerry even gave me a buzz to invite me as well. Did I mention the blessing and thanks from so many people. Also, Jeremy called as well and gave his best on this day. What a blessing he has been to me this year.
Holiday's are a great time for families. My prayer was that people not get caught up in the routine of it all but the reality that being with family is so very precious. I was truly giving thanks to God for all he has done for me this year even though at times it was so difficult. I would have NOT been able to get through it all without the friends God had put in my life. I chose to be alone this past holiday and just reflect and pray on all that he has given me.
May all your holidays and family gatherings be memorable ones and may you fill your families hearts with the love and joy each of you have given me. Love you all and God bless.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
4 am...in the morning
Kingdom work is what my good friend Roy calls it. I have to ask what kind of Kingdom work are you doing lately. It is now 4am in the morning and for me I have been up for 2 hours. Just wide awake and wondering about my future and what God has in store for me today. Then it hit me....what do I have in store for his kingdom. Sometimes I think that as Christian we wait on God to much.
I know for me I am someone who needs to be fine tuned by God some...ok, a lot. I often talk to my buddy Mr. H. about the Kingdom and what we can do for it someday, but what about today. I want today to be the best day but in order to do that I have to fight off all the distractions and for me it is time management. I am horrible about managing my time for his Kingdom. Last night I had to call a friend of mine and tell him because of my pathetic time management I had to drop his study. Someone else could have taken my place, but instead I did not think things out in the beginning or I would have realized my plate was already full of commitments. Ok, now you know why I have been up 2 hours. Whenever I let the Kingdom down I feel so bad, but more importantly will I learn something from it. I pray I do and am tired of this time management issue I have. I guess what I am trying to get at is that in order to advance his Kingdom we sometime have to look no further then ourselves. Tough one sometimes, but has to be done.
I know for me I am someone who needs to be fine tuned by God some...ok, a lot. I often talk to my buddy Mr. H. about the Kingdom and what we can do for it someday, but what about today. I want today to be the best day but in order to do that I have to fight off all the distractions and for me it is time management. I am horrible about managing my time for his Kingdom. Last night I had to call a friend of mine and tell him because of my pathetic time management I had to drop his study. Someone else could have taken my place, but instead I did not think things out in the beginning or I would have realized my plate was already full of commitments. Ok, now you know why I have been up 2 hours. Whenever I let the Kingdom down I feel so bad, but more importantly will I learn something from it. I pray I do and am tired of this time management issue I have. I guess what I am trying to get at is that in order to advance his Kingdom we sometime have to look no further then ourselves. Tough one sometimes, but has to be done.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Good way to ruin a game.....thanks.
I know for many of you life is tough right now. Maybe your marriage is falling apart. Does the wife seem like she is convinced you can't do anything right these days. Oh yeah, and you single guys, ever just think that your never going to find that someone special. How about the stress of the economy and just trying to hang on to your job. What about the depression and or anger that seems to be building up day after day.
Honestly, you deserve some relief. Go ahead, next time when you turn on that computer just let that mouse and keyboard become your best friend. Your a pretty smart fellow, you can erase any trail when your done. Don't you just want to have that physical release you desire just one more time. What's wrong with a little fun. You use to enjoy the porn so much, so go ahead. Who has to know anything about it but you. It's not like your cheating on your wife, after all you can always lie your way out of it. Their will be plenty of things to blame it on if you get caught but honestly I doubt you will. Trust me. It's not like your spending any money on it or taking time away from the family if you do it at the office, late at night, or when your home alone.
What about you single guys, surely it's ok for you. After all married men have a way to calm those desires but you don't. You know all your buddies do it so why not be just like them. You might as well go for it now because once you married that desire for porn will go away. Also, it's not like your going to get some disease from a computer or take a chance on getting someone pregnant. So I say go for it. Your not addicted to porn like some of your friends, it's not like your going to do it all the time. You will know if your taking to many chances and will be able to stop when you want. It's the addicts that can't and surely your no addict.
However, here are the guys I really want to talk to now, you so called Christian guys. All your friends and family see how awesome you are and how much you love all your brothers and serve your church. Now, I know some of you have confessed that you had a problem in this area and have even claimed victory. We both knew it wouldn't last long and your back at it just like you never stopped. Now that your back at it stronger then ever before you surely won't say anything, after all you do have a reputation to uphold. I think we both know what would happen if the truth got out now. It would be worse then before. So don't show your cards or you will ruin our little game. So at any cost and I mean any cost keep this between me and you.
Keep up the good work and welcome back,
I just recently met with a dear friend and someone I admire and respect a great deal. He just shared with me the struggles he is having and wants some help.I could not help but to smile as I now he had just shown me his hand and exposed the enemy. I am so proud of him and admire his courage.
We are starting the Valiant Man series on September 8th at Grace Family Church in Tampa that deals with the issue of moral integrity. Please feel free to contact me at cybesd@gmail.com.
God Bless, David
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I just heard that terrible noise again!
April 5th 2003. Easily the saddest day of my life to date. That is the day the Judge in Dade City, Florida said I had to be out of my house. 8530 Ehren Cutoff, Land O' Lakes, Florida. I have not been down that road since. While I have been able to move on with so much of my life, that still haunts me today. Now when I hear someone even hint or suggest that Divorce is an option I cringe. If I have one heard one excuse I have heard a million.
"It's best for all."
"The kids will be fine."
"I can't take it anymore."
"It is her fault."
"I can't trust him any more."
"He/she hurt me so bad this time."
"I cannot take it any more."
Your kids have just lost their most precious learning tool in life. Mom and Dad.
Weddings, birthdays,and Holidays will now take on a very uncomfortable feeling.
You just taught them that failure is an option in marriage.
Their is no aspect of Divorce that 50-50 is a reality.
You cannot make up for the time you lose with them.
The anouncement of good new or bad news like a wedding, death, or pregnancy will now have to be deliverd seperately to those they love.
They will find it tough to buy the appropriate greeting card for many occasions.
Sometimes you will only be able to love them from a distance.
And for me I hate the noise of the AC or the Fridge compressor kicking on. Oh how I yearn for the silence to go away sometimes.
Monday, July 21, 2008
A room full.......
Wow, what an evening...but first we must back track some. Javy and Matt had both invited me to an all night prayer vigil this past weekend. Matt, as we were having dinner friday night said it would be cool if some "men" could come to their prayer vigil at church Saturday night. My response was a swift "no", of course knowing all along that I would not miss it.
Saturday night after church I was telling Derek about my intentions and that I wanted to suprise the young men and come back at 2am. My plan was to stay an hour or so and just support and pray with these mighty men of God. The more he seemed to think about it the more he liked the idea and told me he was in for sure. Then, as I drove home to get some rest I called Travis (fellow warrior) and he agreed to come too.
We walked through the door right at 2am to their suprise.
Music blaring and enough junk food to feed an army we watched as Matt led these awesome young men in prayer and praise. One young man (Jeff) was attending his first Matt over nighter. Matt suggested we pray for him and Ivory busted off a prayer that still rings in my ear. WOW! What a night it was turning out to be. Druing one of our lights out prayer sessions where these young men just roam around the room in silent and vocal prayer was a young man calling for Satin to leave him alone. He was doing battle with the prince of darkness just a few feet away from me and doing it in such a way that I was brought to tears in the dark. Meanwhile, accross the room you could see hands in the air and hear shouts of joy as the music cried out the Lords word. A call of prayer for the city of Tampa was heard and still another for the protection of the all the young women. One after another the prayers were lifted up.
While on the way to the church that evening the enemy was trying to tell me that at age 50 your not going to fit in or be welcomed. You don't belong with these men and you sure don't need to be up when you could be sleeping. What the enemy didn't count on was that my Jesus was going to be there and that true prayer warriors were standing as one and doing what all men of God should do and that is to step out and step up for God.
We left at 7am spirit driven, it seemed as though we had just arrived.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Lost in Vegas
Here in Vegas working pretty hard. Last night I got a chance on my own to walk the hotel. Everything here cost something. Even the gym is provided at $20.00 a day if you like to partake. I just walked around observing people and seeing them just seemingly sit in a trance of sorts at the slot machines. One rarely could see anyone with a smile and all of them seemed so involved in what they were doing they did not pay attention to anything around them. Over closer to the gambeling tables a little more action and smiles. The man dealing the cars kept encouraging the people to play and spend there money. I think my friend Brian would have passed out right there between the black jack table and roulette wheel. It was all so sad to me. I kept wondering if I was the only Christian in the place. Today I will continue to see what God has in store for me today. I am sure it is something good.
Missing my friends,
Missing my friends,
Monday, May 5, 2008
Weed eater's are awesome
I was with a friend of mine last night and he reminded me of one of the things the enemy does best. STILL our JOY. The very joy the Lord speaks about and promises us. It almost happened yesterday. So while I am sitting here flying to of all places sin city as they call it a.k.a. Las Vegas I have decided to write this weak about the Joy of the Lord and all the many ways he provides it every day.
Date Line:
May 3rd Saturday, 10:45 on board Air Tran
I woke up about 5am to meet my friend Derek to head out to of all things a community yard sale. He had made a list of things and so did I. First of all we went to a ladies house that was kind enough to let Derek know of the event and she even provided us a way in early. It was a beautiful morning to boot. The adventure started kind of slow and I was wondering if we were going to find anything on our list. He started out by making his first purchase of vintage movies. Then we sort of hit a dry spell. However, that was soon to end and with all do respect to Mel Fisher he it the jackpot. I saw the look in his eye as he firmly planted himself in someone’s garage. Sander, circular saw, tool box, jig saw and assorted other items were being stock piled on the driveway. I added a weed eater and new hose to his pile and before you could say "Scooby Doo where are you" the truck was being loaded. Nice purchase and a blessing to my friend who saved a great deal of money. His FPU group would be proud.
Then the call from David (A friend of Derek's who wanted to do some work in return for some money to help pay his way to a missions trip in Africa) who was ready to go to Derek’s house to mow his yard. But first we stopped by Brian’s house; he had called and blessed me with a book from Dave Ramsey. Wow, I was so touched by his kindness and caring spirit. Derek dropped me off at my car and he went on to pick up David and I met Derek and David, his Dad David, and of course me (David) at Derek’s house. Sorry I couldn’t resist. David’s Dad helped Derek get his lawn mower going while David Jr was beginning to push mow Derek’s lawn and I somehow managed to get the weed eater fired up. So with the help of an extension cord, don’t ask, from the house and the Ole mobile the mower started. David Jr was able to get Derek’s lawn done plus the neighbors while Derek had time to get the things done he wasn’t able to get to in the past. Blessings all over the place.
Also, during all of this our friend Aaron called to tell me about his bible study group he had done with some of the Tampa Yankees he coaches. He was very excited about it and was telling me how he had shared a Nooma that Friday night and how even more players then normal joined his group. Aaron told me that Saturday he had been invited to speak to the University of Tampa baseball team. What a privilege it is to see how God is working in Aaron’s life, and all of my friends. Later that evening a few of us headed out to see the Tampa Yankees win another game.
I went home to finish getting some things done at the house and Derek had called me to see if I wanted to grab a bite prior to the game but I had to decline so Derek and Dick went instead. Dick is another awesome man that God put in my path early on during this awesome walk with Christ. His mentorship was so key to me in my beginning walk with the Lord.
Since Aaron had been kind enough again to get us tickets for the game I called Will and invited him and his wife along for the game. It seems like we never get a chance to spend enough time with Will which is why it is such a blessing to whenever we can.
It had been a great day. All the blessing of the day as earlier mentioned had added up to such an awesome day. I was driving Derek back to his truck and I told him I almost didn’t come because of some phone calls I had received that were disturbing. Even as I was sharing with him some things that were said I could feel the JOY of the day just slipping away. I had just had an awesome day and now the enemy was primed and ready. I pulled up to his truck and after describing the phone call a little deeper, he said LET’S PRAY. He just stopped and began praying and casting out the enemy right then and there. He also included himself in the prayer which spoke to me big time. This awesome man of God I call my friend was all over the enemy. I began to feel the joy of the day return as he spoke boldly against the enemy and just praised the Lord for all things. I felt as if the car had been surrounded by Angels. It was a moment in my walk I will never forget.
The enemy comes to destroy and still our joy. If he was bold enough to tempt Jesus then I assure you none of us will escape his temptations. He can lure us but we don’t have to follow, he can provide the bait but we don’t have to take it, he can set the traps ahead but we can turn and go the other way. It can happen fast and what my friend did is what we all should do, STOP AND PRAY. Derek pointed out what a blessing the weed eater was for him. I just want to remind him what a blessing he is to me and all that the Lord did in my life this past Saturday.
Tomorrow….Day one in Vegas
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Heart..just from the heart.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Just read the names.
You know who they are. Those people, yeah,those people. The ones in your phone. I was at lunch earlier today and could not over the fact of all the names in my phone. Life lines as one TV show put it. That is exactly what they are to me, life lines. W Some I call everyday, others time to time, and others very seldom.
Honestly, I get so excited when my phone rings and I know it's someone taking the time to call me.I love it when my phone rings because I am so touched that someone put my name in their phone. I call the people in my phone for many different reasons. I have done it all on these phones, cried and laughed, given and recieved advice, vented and shared joy, made plans and canceld plans, shared my faith and shared my failures, honored God and shouted out at God, and recieved good news and bad. I am sure there are more but you get the picture, yet they all have one thing in common. They have all been put in my phone by God.
So the next time you go to delete someone, think about it first, and the next time you add someone, remember it's God who put them there.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Flee says the word....
Each Monday night I am privileged to be a part of a group where we discuss men's issues with sexual integrity. One of my pastors declared once that he believe's it is the number one disconnect with men today and I agree with that 100%. Let me break it down into cause and effect:
1. Destroys Marriages and Families
2. Guilt
3. Depression
4. Distances you from God
5. Effects you job
6. Loneliness
7. Shame
8. Distorts Truth
9. Hidden expenditures
10.Generational Curses
12.Self Esteem
13.Leads to other Addictions
18.Health Issues
19.Suicidal Thoughts
It is the sin you desire the most.
Flee immorality. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the immoral man sins against his own body.
My prayer is that all men break free and live the life of a Valiant Man as Christ has expected of us. The consequences are avoidable.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Our small group the other night was awesome. As a matter of fact God continues to teach me so much through my friends. Wow! I love it when my brothers love me enough to correct me sometimes delibertly and sometimes without even knowing it.
Example 1
I recently finished my guest past at L.A. Fitness. I really want to do a better job in taking care of myself and each year it's the same old promise and months later it fades away. So I adopted this policy of saying only what I have done about it instead of what I am going to do. So I went to the gym doing the guest past deal for about 2 weeks and when it was time to sign up I refused to in a defiant way to pay the joining fee of $49.00. I did it because I saw on TV (that source of all knowledge) that these types of fees were very negotiable. So, I stood my ground and refused to budge knowing that they would cave before I did. A week passed and then another and still nothing. Well, this past weekend a friend of mine called me out asking me if I had caved along with the disclaimer of if not that joining and doing what I had spoke about was the main goal. It was just a passing comment but stuck with me all the way home that evening. I knew then that there was no way I would cave that my "PRIDE" would not allow for me to do so. POW! Pride...yeah that lets save a few bucks turned quickly into all about me. The holy spirit convicted me big time. Great, I am going to let $49.00 or two nights out eating stop me from accomplishing the big goal of dare I say it...exercise. I am so glad Aaron said that and I now see how God was clearly sending me a message. Have you ever started out with the right intentions only to find yourself like I did?
Example 2
I am in an awesome small group. Each week we meet and encourage each other along with discussing the bible and life in general. Last night I was in a non-focus mode much like I use to be in school. It started in third grade. Up until then I was pretty much an ace student and my conduct grades were right up there as well. We got our report card and Mrs. Hughes dropped a bomb. My conduct grades (yes, we got school work grades and conduct grades) were not good. Circled with a red pin was " does not listen attentively" and "distracts others". My mom was furious at me. I tried to explain that my school grades were still good so why did this matter. She said keeping others from learning just because I would finish early was something that I needed to change or it would stay with me forever. Harsh words to a 8 year old boy. Sadly, she was right. While I am not as bad as I use to be, but then again that's my assesment, I still manage to place myself back in Mrs. Hughes class getting the stare that I had better stop. Well, there are very few people who have the abliity to speak to me without saying a word. My Mom, Dad, Robin, and Mrs. Hughes are among those elite and now a very good friend of mine. I got "that stare" last night. I had not seen it for a long time but it was the stare of correction. Not a word spoken but I knew I had crossed the line. I in fact was disrutping the group. It's great to have a brother who can correct me when needed.
Well, I think I just heard the bell ring, off to lunch.
CYBESD and even if it's a stare or passing comment.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Valiant Man
Last night a group of men met in a room where at my church we began Valiant Man #4. This is a group that deals with moral and sexual integrity. Not exactly the easiest of subjects for most people and including the church. I truly believe that this is the number one disconnect for men today. The world that we live in not only accepts but promotes many of these temptations as the norm. Movies, Ads, Television, and the internet are just a few key places where these things are readily put on display for all to be tempted on a daily basis.
Last night I was privledged to witness man afte man come through the door to do battle against the enemy. "I have had enough" one man said, while another just sat in tears most of the night knowing that he finally found a place where he can get some help.
Mat 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
His holy spirt filled not just a room last night but the hearts of all. Many men disqualify themselves based on the past or their current situations but the word tells us God will meet us right where were at in life. So, I ask that you join me in prayer as these children (Men) of God discover their wounds and reach out to the one and only man that can save us from ourselves. I would ask that you pray that God send good christian men to walk with them and to help them find their way back to the narrow path. Most of all, that they discover once and for all that God is after ALL of their heart.
Often I am asked who should take the class and the answer is simple. Every man should take the class but some of them need to be there sooner then others.
Monday nights 7pm at Grace Family Church in Tampa. Check out are promo at www.gracefamilychurch.org
Hit the Small Groups tab
Then "mens" on the left
Then Valiant man on the bottom right.
If interested call the church or me at 813-245-0224
Class has started and after Feb 18th it is closed until next time.
Feb 4 to April 21
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
A final salute from a son
Love. Simple pure love. While today is a day of farewell I already know without a doubt that your in heaven. So many will at the funeral today bid a fond farewell to a man they call Roland but for me it's goodbye Daddy.
You have over these years since I first came into your life at age 36 been such an inspiration but the thing I learned from you the most is about caring and loving others.
I never felt un-loved growing up. Not once did I ever hear you complain about anything at all. Never once! You taught me good work ethic and to care about others. The biggest lesson was about love. Your love for Mom and her love for you was such an awesome example of getting it right. During the past years in the nursing home so many people would tell me how much you were admired and loved. I am so glad they took great care of you. I remember the day I told you that Mom could no longer do it and that we were taking you to a new home. You did not want to go until I told you it was best for Mom and you pointed toward the car and we went to what would be your new home for the next 5 years.
Just about 2 weeks ago I got a call that you were not feeling well and was not eating. I know that when your ill like in the past you did not eat so I really was not to concerned. I went to see you that sunday and as I often did when mom would not go I called her on the cell phone so she could talk to you or in your case just listen. You handed me the phone back and as I was looking down at the phone I then looked up to see tears in your eyes. I had in all my life only seen you cry one other time. I knew then something was different.
That following Wed I got a chance to tell you in my own way goodbye and get some things off my chest like forgiveness and a final kiss goodbye. Just us in the room as I watched a Dad continue to teach his son about the dignity of death. No machines or tubes or anything just a quiet, painless, and loving goodbye.
You would be so happy to know that I am surrounded by the love of so many. I was doing pretty good emotionaly and tried to be there for mom like I knew you wanted me to be but after everyone had left I stood in the lobby of the funeral home surrounded by the Godly men that was sent to me. The swelling of emotions just took over and I found myself with my head squarely planted in my friends shoulder. It was the most incredible feeling I have ever felt. I know it was God's arms around his little boy telling me that Dad had arrived and I was going to be ok. Then the arms became Derek's the person that God first put in my life. Then I felt as though that one hug turned into another and another like what you would see after a world series win as the team just piles on top of each other. During that brief time I felt so close to God and loved by my so many. I can only imagine how much love your feeling now.
So, Dad I think I got it. Love, care, and share with others. I can NEVER surpass your legacy but only strive to do so and in honoring you Daddy I will spend the rest of my life placing God first, taking care of Mom, and being the son of a man who simply taught me life.
Love you Daddy and will catch up with you later...
Monday, January 21, 2008
Spin the bottle
Yawn, well here is another monday. I spent much of the weekend thinking of my Dad who is not doing so well in the nursing home. He just turned 86 on January 16th and has lived a pretty good life. I was reflecting on my father and what he has taught me over the years.My father taught me:
Good work habits. He owned his own business and from the time I was in high school never once missed a day of work except for the time he had a hernia.
How important it was to care about others. He was always wanting to help someone in any way he could. My mother use to say that if they had all the money my Dad gave away that we would be rich.
Not to complain. Ok, still learning that one. Appreciate what you have as it is always more then what someone else has in life.
I never once heard him speak about his time in the service, but he did teach me to respect this country and those that served and gave their life for our freedom.
He would tell me that experience always comes before wisdom and not the other way around.
He never judged anyone. Everyone he met liked him. I cannot recall anyone ever saying a bad thing about my father. He is a man who taught me the meaning of dignity. Dad has always put everyone before himself.
Most of all he taught me what it meant to really care about and love someone. My father was not perfect at all but he has spent much of the last half of his life making up for some of his mistakes. He is a man of a few words. My Mom and Dad are great examples of what a marriage is about. Here in the later years it's not about anything materialistic. They just want to be together, period. I wish they could live forever, and in my heart they always will. I sat with them sunday as my Dad slowly reached for my mothers hand. He was to weak to get out of bed and my mom sat there holding his hand for 2 hours. I watched as she said goodbye raising ever so slowly out of her will chair determined to give him a kiss goodbye.
I was a kid in elementry school once and told my mom about some of us playing spin the bottle and you had to kiss the person it pointed at. She in her scolding voice told me that kisses are only for people you love.
Kisses to you both, love David.
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