Friday, October 17, 2008

4 the morning

Kingdom work is what my good friend Roy calls it. I have to ask what kind of Kingdom work are you doing lately. It is now 4am in the morning and for me I have been up for 2 hours. Just wide awake and wondering about my future and what God has in store for me today. Then it hit me....what do I have in store for his kingdom. Sometimes I think that as Christian we wait on God to much.
I know for me I am someone who needs to be fine tuned by God some...ok, a lot. I often talk to my buddy Mr. H. about the Kingdom and what we can do for it someday, but what about today. I want today to be the best day but in order to do that I have to fight off all the distractions and for me it is time management. I am horrible about managing my time for his Kingdom. Last night I had to call a friend of mine and tell him because of my pathetic time management I had to drop his study. Someone else could have taken my place, but instead I did not think things out in the beginning or I would have realized my plate was already full of commitments. Ok, now you know why I have been up 2 hours. Whenever I let the Kingdom down I feel so bad, but more importantly will I learn something from it. I pray I do and am tired of this time management issue I have. I guess what I am trying to get at is that in order to advance his Kingdom we sometime have to look no further then ourselves. Tough one sometimes, but has to be done.