Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Lost in Vegas

Here in Vegas working pretty hard. Last night I got a chance on my own to walk the hotel. Everything here cost something. Even the gym is provided at $20.00 a day if you like to partake. I just walked around observing people and seeing them just seemingly sit in a trance of sorts at the slot machines. One rarely could see anyone with a smile and all of them seemed so involved in what they were doing they did not pay attention to anything around them. Over closer to the gambeling tables a little more action and smiles. The man dealing the cars kept encouraging the people to play and spend there money. I think my friend Brian would have passed out right there between the black jack table and roulette wheel. It was all so sad to me. I kept wondering if I was the only Christian in the place. Today I will continue to see what God has in store for me today. I am sure it is something good.

Missing my friends,


Anonymous said...

Hey brother. First question...What are you doing in Vegas? I'm glad I stumbled on your blog via Roy's blog. How do I subscribe to yours so that I receive auto e-mails with each new post? I'm new to this world.

Anonymous said...

and your friends missed you....