Monday, July 21, 2008

A room full.......

Wow, what an evening...but first we must back track some. Javy and Matt had both invited me to an all night prayer vigil this past weekend. Matt, as we were having dinner friday night said it would be cool if some "men" could come to their prayer vigil at church Saturday night. My response was a swift "no", of course knowing all along that I would not miss it.
Saturday night after church I was telling Derek about my intentions and that I wanted to suprise the young men and come back at 2am. My plan was to stay an hour or so and just support and pray with these mighty men of God. The more he seemed to think about it the more he liked the idea and told me he was in for sure. Then, as I drove home to get some rest I called Travis (fellow warrior) and he agreed to come too.
We walked through the door right at 2am to their suprise.
Music blaring and enough junk food to feed an army we watched as Matt led these awesome young men in prayer and praise. One young man (Jeff) was attending his first Matt over nighter. Matt suggested we pray for him and Ivory busted off a prayer that still rings in my ear. WOW! What a night it was turning out to be. Druing one of our lights out prayer sessions where these young men just roam around the room in silent and vocal prayer was a young man calling for Satin to leave him alone. He was doing battle with the prince of darkness just a few feet away from me and doing it in such a way that I was brought to tears in the dark. Meanwhile, accross the room you could see hands in the air and hear shouts of joy as the music cried out the Lords word. A call of prayer for the city of Tampa was heard and still another for the protection of the all the young women. One after another the prayers were lifted up.
While on the way to the church that evening the enemy was trying to tell me that at age 50 your not going to fit in or be welcomed. You don't belong with these men and you sure don't need to be up when you could be sleeping. What the enemy didn't count on was that my Jesus was going to be there and that true prayer warriors were standing as one and doing what all men of God should do and that is to step out and step up for God.
We left at 7am spirit driven, it seemed as though we had just arrived.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey dave this is joseph sanchez. that night was truly awesome. i love the god fire you have burning inside of you. i know i would never see my dad up that late. praying, so it really meant a lot to see you and derek and travis show up. by the way i started blogging and i would love for you to check it out.. it is