Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Funny how things look now.

7.5 hours and a few seconds to Thanksgiving. Holiday time is here. Still the toughest time for me each year PD (Post Divorce). I heard some people talking, well to be honest complaining about some things the other day and then I reflected back on previous Thanksgivings for me.

I use to think these things.
  • How can I satisfy everyone and be in 5 places at once.
  • Why does my wife stress over having everything perfect.
  • I hate the fact I have to work the next day while everyone seems to have it off.
  • Mom's cooking is the best but I have to eat everywhere I go.

  • The dreaded ads in the paper just baiting the wife to buy and spend for Christmas based on the fact she was getting a bargain.
  • I hated dealing with people that seemed to only come around once a year.
  • Trying to explain for the millionth time I hate cobbler.
  • Listening to old stories of Thanksgivings in the past when I just want to find a couch to sleep and watch football.
  • Hoping the kids would just entertain themselves.

But now....

I would love to see everyone all together just one more time.

She was just trying to please everyone including me.

How blessed I was and am to have a job these days and then.

Some people have nothing and I was complaining about quantity.

Wished I would have shared in her joy of shopping and planning.

At least I had the "once", some people did not even have that!

Should have got it with ice cream instead.

Now I catch myself just remembering old times and hating football.

Spent more time with my son. POW! Major hint to all Dads.

Happy Thanksgiving to all and take time to enjoy the Holiday.


Monday, November 19, 2007

Father's need to be Dad's, Daddy's, and most of all available. I recently was at an event that hosted several young men between age of 15 and 20. Common theme was their father's. I wish some of those absent Dad's could have heard what I heard. Divorce, drugs, alcohol, pornography, selfishness, work, sports, and divorce are just some of the things that separate us from our son's. Yes, I did mention divorce twice only because I think it is the by far the most devastating. When I would hear these young men speak they all wanted Dad's:
  • Unconditional Love
  • Acceptance
  • Time
  • Hugs
  • Mentoring
  • Respect
My friends Jerry and Sean have a man's group that meet with Dad's. What a blessing to see Dad's wanting to become better Dad's. It is never to late to start. If as Dad's we get it right we never have to hear our son's say: "I needed to forgive my Dad". I heard that way to much this past weekend. In some way start being a part of your son's life. I do every day via a phone call and a prayer. you Justin.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I like jelly not jam...sorry Dad.

Sunday afternoon and we had all just pushed back from the dinner table. The hot biscuits were being covered up just waiting until about 8pm when my Dad as he did every Sunday night would utter those all so familiar words: "do we have any peach jam left". Dad loved his evening snack of biscuits and jam. Not jelly but jam. He would make the usual trip to the reclining chair and I would climb up on top of him so I could get my usual allowance. We would kick around some in the chair and when he was ready for me to get down I did so gladly as what was to follow was him saying now let me see what I have here. He would reach deep into his pocket and pull out his lose change as I eagerly awaited with a piggy bank in hand. In the money went, while my sister would only put some of her's in and I would put it all. Why, because Dad said if I saved my money that I could get more later then I could now. I was great at saving money as a kid and even as a teenager believe it or not.
Tonight I have been invited to attend the closing of a group who has met for several weeks learning how to better plan and manage their financial affairs. Ever since I heard about the class I have managed to avoid it at all pun intended. I will talk to you all day long about personal issues but when it comes to money I clam up tighter then someone trying to explain that soccer is a sport. Ooops.The point being that I really didn't want to go, I don't like to discuss it, I hate facing some of the issues, and I just plain don't want to share anything about it with even my closest friends. So why go, because that is where God wants me to be. I am trusting him big time on this one because if left up to me I would bolt on this one. So with that said off I go to their closing tonight. Keep me in check on this one because I think the next class does not start until next January or February.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Save me a seat Brian H.

M-I -S-S-I-O-N Statements. Oh, how I hate them. That is what I told a friend of mine yesterday. I come from a sales background and everyone and I do mean everyone has a mission statement they want to give to their customers. The problem is I have NEVER seen one put into practice, completed, realistic, and most of all truthful. So why in the world would my friend tell me I need to write one. He did because he understands the importance of writing out Mission Statements and Goals. Easy, well no, as a matter of fact he shared how difficult it was for him in the beginning. Upon hearing of his difficulty and my lack of desire of writing them out I was sure there was no way I was going to do that.

Enter the holy spirit. The next thing he did was to hand me a copy of his Mission Statement followed by his Goals. Wow! I barely made it past the first sentence as my heart began to anticipate the rest of what he had written. His mission statement was incredible and spiritually thought out and firmly filtered through his heart. Do you have a Mission Statement? I know I really didn't have one written except for the one in my head that seems to change with the wind. I guess another way to say it is do you have a direction in mind for the rest of your life? My desire is to now write my Mission Statement. I am not sure how long this will take but I intend on doing it soon. While I believe it to be inappropriate to share his mission and his goals here in this forum I will share a passage he selected.

Proverbs 16:9 In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.

Each step for me creates a direction I am headed in on this journey of eternity. I thank my brother for sharing his Mission Statement. Do you have one? I wonder in fact if it is the journey itself that justifies the means.


Friday, November 9, 2007

Great respect and thanks....

Sunday is the 11th month and the 11th day. That morning at 11am is the time when our Veterans will pause and honor all those who are serving or have served in the military. Often times I hear people say they get Veterans Day and Memorial Day confused. Well, let me encourage them to look up the difference. I am asking that everyone who knows a Veteran take a minute and thank them for serving our country. Freedom does come at a price be it time away from the family or the ultimate sacrifice. So, take time and go out and buy a flag and display it with honor this Sunday. Let your kids know that Veterans are the ones who pay that price for our freedom. Call up a Veteran and let them know how much you appreciate them and what they have or are doing.

My Dad is in a Veterans nursing home and each and every person there in some way has served our country. Now as they draw near to the ends of their lives they just want people to remember what they fought for and to perhaps remember them. They honored us every day they served our country it seems to me we can take one day and honor them.

To my son Justin (I love you) in the National Guard and all Veterans I give them great respect and thanks for all they have done or are doing to serve our country.

God Bless them all.