Friday, November 9, 2007

Great respect and thanks....

Sunday is the 11th month and the 11th day. That morning at 11am is the time when our Veterans will pause and honor all those who are serving or have served in the military. Often times I hear people say they get Veterans Day and Memorial Day confused. Well, let me encourage them to look up the difference. I am asking that everyone who knows a Veteran take a minute and thank them for serving our country. Freedom does come at a price be it time away from the family or the ultimate sacrifice. So, take time and go out and buy a flag and display it with honor this Sunday. Let your kids know that Veterans are the ones who pay that price for our freedom. Call up a Veteran and let them know how much you appreciate them and what they have or are doing.

My Dad is in a Veterans nursing home and each and every person there in some way has served our country. Now as they draw near to the ends of their lives they just want people to remember what they fought for and to perhaps remember them. They honored us every day they served our country it seems to me we can take one day and honor them.

To my son Justin (I love you) in the National Guard and all Veterans I give them great respect and thanks for all they have done or are doing to serve our country.

God Bless them all.

1 comment:

RoseCovered Glasses said...

We have a military veteran friend who was honorably discharged during the Vietnam era. He served in the US Navy while having dual citizenship (Canadian/US). He was born in Canada and his family moved to New York when he was a child and became dual Canadian and US Citizens.

After discharge my friend worked in the US for over 3 decades, paying US taxes and Social Security. When it came time to retire and apply for his pension he was informed that the US Department of Homeland Security had revoked his US citizenship and did not recognize his Canadian citizenship.

The Social Security Administration will not begin his pension payments until his citizenship issue is resolved. He has been trying to work this matter through the VA, his local representatives in government (congressional level) and directly through the Social Security Office. No one seems to know what to do, who should take action and who has responsibility. The DHS will not reply to his inquiries. Any ideas?

For more details see: