Friday, September 14, 2007

God's Children

Back finally. I have missed this crazy blog and am anxious to get back. While in Los Angeles I felt somewhat disconnected from God. Work was work and I missed all my friends so very much. However, I kept asking God what he wanted me to see while gone. The first day seemed so dry in the sense that I could not find that nugget that God wanted me to find. I looked all day for that opening, for that challenge, for that chance to witness and nothing came about. I got on the shuttle bus from the hotel that morning just knowing that God was going to make up for yesterday's missed chances. Again, I felt myself wanting to be in charge. The shuttle took off and I stared out the window and just kept noticing in downtown LA the bums I saw sleeping on the sidewalks curled up next to a door. Yeah, the thought that rushed through was "bum's". I could not get that out of my head all day. Bum's, why was my first thought "bums"?

Webster's definition of Bum:

"a person who avoids work and sponges on others; loafer; idler"

I did not seem to have passion for them for some reason. Part of me as I walked on the sidewalk to the hotel once the shuttle had let us off was wondering why do the police let them stay there. Still my attitude was not of compassion. The next morning we headed to the convention center for the last time. I again stared out the window as the shuttle came to stop at the light. I saw a "bum" curled up at the door but this time it was a woman in rags laying on her side with a child about 8 years old next to her. Tears began to roll down my face. This poor child. Why God allow this child to be here? What in life happened to get them to this door. Why Lord did you allow this to happen? I had slept in a bed the night before and ate a full meal and here in front of me now is this child with such a distant stare on her face.
God spoke to my heart:
1Job 5:1 Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is a child of God. And everyone who loves the Father loves his children, too.

I saw these bum's as I said each day but then I saw the child and wept. I did not see the lady as a child of God. We are all God's children. I knew that in my head but not in my heart that day. Praise be to God for showing me that and reminding me. How many of God's children need to be seen today with compassion and the love they deserve. Everyone is worthy of God's love and should be of mine too. EVERYONE, maybe that's why God allows these things to happen so that us as Christian need to be witnessed to as well. It was in fact these two children of God that witnessed to me. Who do you choose not to love today?

Love you all...and I do mean all of you.

1 comment:

Papa said...

David, great reality check for me. I fight a lack of compassion in my life, it is the lowest of "gifts" that I have with mercy being next lowest. From my introspection, I have found that compassion is the antithesis of selfishness; hence the lower my level of compassion the more I am selfish. Selfishness is a huge sin in my life that manifests itself in various ways - all removing myself from communion with the Lord. Your note on "bums" was a great reminder to me to see everyone as God sees them - his kids. Maybe one of these days, i will get "it".

Love ya,

His ragamuffin,
